Yes, you can order directly from PubMed, Google Scholar, and over 70 other preferred search environments using the Article Galaxy Widget.
Article Galaxy Widget is a browser extension that provides an overlay displaying full-text article prices, rental options when available, and a notice if the document already exists in your holdings or is available through your current subscriptions. If no subscription access exists, the widget provides for single-click article purchase or rental.
The tool enables convenience at the click of a button, providing shopping cart-like access to and simplified viewing of content extracted directly from your preferred discovery environments.
Article Galaxy Widget can be found on your Article Galaxy Dashboard, either under the Quick Links Viewer section or manually added. Simply drag the Widget on your bookmarks bar and click on it whenever you want to see ordering options off of your search results.
Watch this video on how to use and install.
Choose from your preferred search environment:
- Akademiai Kiado
- Annual Reviews
- APA PsycNet
- arXiv
- Bentham
- BioMed Central
- BioOne
- Cambridge University Press
- CiteseerX
- citeulike
- DeepDyve
- Elsevier (Science Direct)
- Elsevier (Scopus)
- Future Medicine
- Future Science
- Google Scholar
- Highwire
- IEEE Xplore
- Informaworld
- IngentaConnect
- J-Stage
- J-Store
- Karger
- Lancet Journals
- Mary Ann Liebert
- Nature
- OUP (Oxford University Press)
- PLoS
- PubMed
- PubmMed Central
- RePEc
- ResearchGATE
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Science
- Springer
- Taylor & Francis
- Thieme
- Web of Science
- Wiley
- Worldcat