Discovering the unknowns, part 1
Begin your search in the Explore view. In this example we will be starting with the default Dataset when selecting this view, Technology Transfer.
Explore view: After you enter your search terms, the Sunburst will update to reveal the categories in which your topic is found. If you hover over the Sunburst, it will show the total results found within a category. Select a category to filter your results across all Datasets.
Navigate to Analytics to view emerging topics relating to our search and "Category" filters. The default data visualization will be the Heatmap. Your previous search and Categories selected from the Explore view can be found at the top of the screen.
Did you know? The default dataset ResoluteAI searches is Technology Transfer. Make sure you are in the dataset of interest when searching.
To identify trending topics as it relates to your search and the applied filters, select tags in Row 1 and increase the "Max Keys." Review these results to discover new and related scientific topics to investigate.
Once you have identified a tag of interest, select a number from the column totals to review the results of this topic.
Now our tag from the Analytics and "Category" from Explore are applied across all Datasets. You can change Datasets using the left sidebar to explore similar results from other trusted sources.
Did you know? You can sort your search results by Relevance, Forward Citation Count, Publication Data, and more.
Patents → Analytics → Heatmap (default): Increase "Max Keys" one Row 1 to view additional tags that are Significant & Frequent (default method).
Select Assignee Name in Row 2 and change "Method" to Most Frequent to review who owns the most IP within each tag segment. Once you have identified a connection of interest, select a number from the column totals to review the topic.
To view additional search results, simply remove any or all "Active Filters" in the top right corner.