Identifying leading institutions and experts
Publications → Analytics → Heatmap: Enter your search terms and refine your results using the available filters (date, location, MeSH, etc.) on the right hand side of the platform. Once all your filters are selected, click "Apply Filters."
Did you know? You can always see what filters are applied in the top right corner of the screen.
To identify institutions publishing most frequently, select Author Affiliation & change method to Most Frequent.
Did you know? You can increase how many rows or columns are shown on the Heatmap by increasing the "Max Keys."
To review top published authors, select Author Name in Row 1. In Row 2, select Tags. This second level of analysis will let you understand the Author's area of expertise as it relates to your search terms.
Patents → Analytics → Heatmap: Enter your search terms and refine your results using the available filters (assignee type, publications date, etc.) on the right hand side of the platform. Once all your filters are selected, click "Apply Filters."
To review top institutions and the inventors responsible for creating the technology, select Assignee Name in Row 1 and Inventor Name in Row 2.
For the Heatmap columns, use inputs such as Forward Citation Count or Family Size to gain a better understand for the strength of the patent.
To view a result directly, simply click on the associated number on the Heatmap.
Patents → Network Graph: Enter your search terms and refine your results using the available filters (assignee type, publications date, etc.) on the right hand side of the platform. Once all your filters are selected, click "Apply Filters."
You can use the Network Graph to find connections between technologies, and to see who is collaborating with one another. In the example below, you can see patent co-assignment between leading universities and research institutes (Pivot 1: Assignee Name).
To connect Institutions to technologies in their patent portfolio, use tags in Pivot 1 and Assignee Name in Pivot 2.
Select a node to review spcific connections.
To see which inventors are working together the the technologies they focus on, change Pivot 2 from Assignee Name to Inventor Name.
Scroll down the page to view the results that are responsible for generating the Network Graph's connections.